Love and Islam
Muslims should love Allah (swt) and be devoted to him alone,
so that in return he loves them. They must love Allah (swt) more than anything else, more than money, family, friends, and
more than this life.
Muslims should also love Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) –Allah’s beloved- and follow his
path, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Love Allah because he nourishes and sustains you. Love me because Allah
loves me” [Tirmidhi]
We should learn how to earn Allah’s love. Allah (swt) tells us two ways by which he
bestows his love upon us, Allah said in the Qur’an:
(Say: ‘If you do love Allah follow me, Allah will love
you and forgive your sins for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.) Qur'an (3:31)
(Surely those who believe and do
righteous deeds, to them will God Most Gracious bestow His Love.) Qur'an (19:96)
Allah says in the Qur’an:
(O you
(Muhammad) folded in garments! Stand (to prayer) by night, but not whole night, half of it, or a little less, or a little
more; and recite the Qur’an in slow, measured rhythmic tone. Soon shall We send down to you a weighty Word. Truly the
rising by night is a time when impression is more keen and speech more certain. True, there is for you by day prolonged occupation
with ordinary duties: but keep in remembrance the name of Allah (your rabb) and devote yourself to Him whole-heartily. He
is the god (rabb) of the East and the West: there is no god but He. Take Him therefore for your Disposer of affairs.)