Surah al Fatiha (1) Once the Prophet
was traveling when he disembarked and began walking alongside a companion. He asked him, 'Shouldn't I tell you the best part
of the Qur'an?' then he recited 'Alhamdu lillahi rabil alameen' (Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds). (First verse in
Surrah Al Fatiha (1:1)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: "Whoever mastered the first seven (chapters or verses) from
the Qur'an is a pontiff."
Also Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: "In the Fatiha of the Qur'an, there is a cure
for all maladies (illnesses)"
Surah al Baqara (2)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: "The Qur'an
and those who committed themselves to it will be presented on the Day of judgment, preceded by Surrah Al Baqara and Surrah
Al Imran."
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said: "Learn how to recite Surah Al Baqara for there is a blessing
in it, and there is sorrow for abandoning it, and it is unbearable for the idle' and that Al Baqara and Al Imran are like
two flowers which will shade their learner on the day of Judgment, as if there were two large clouds or two flocks of birds."
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: "Recite Surrah Al Baqara in your dwellings and do not keep them as tombs. He also said
that whoever recited Surrah Al Baqara at night would be crowned with a crown of paradise."
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
said: "Do not make your house as tombs, for Satan averts a dwelling wherein Surrah Al Baqara is recited"
Mohammad (PBUH) was asked, 'Which part of the Qur'an is the best?'. He replied, 'The Surrah in which the cow is mentioned'.
He was then asked 'Which part of that Surrah?'. He replied, 'The verse of the Throne and the last part of Surrah Al Baqara
came down from under the Throne'
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'Whoever recites 4 verses from the first part
of Surrah Al Baqara, the verse of the Throne, two verses after the verse of the Throne and three verses from the last part
of Surrah Al Baqara, Satan would never come near him or the members of his family on that day, and nothing he despises would
come near him or the members of his family, and never are these verses recited over a madman without him regaining his consciousness'
ibn Masud (may Allah be please with him) said, 'Whoever recited ten verses from Al-Baqara in the night, Satan shall not have
access to that house, during the night till he wakes in the morning. These are: Four from the first part of the Surrah, followed
by the verse of the Throne, two verses after the verse of the Throne and three from the last part of the Surrah'.
al Imran (3)
Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him) said, 'What an excellent treasure Surrah Al Imran
is to the pauper when he recites it in prayer during the last part of the night'
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'Allah's
most magnificent name, which when used to implore Him, He responds, is found in three Surrahs. Al Baqara, Al Imran and Taha'
al An'am (6)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'This Surah was seen off by as many angels as could block the
Surah Yusuf (12)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'Teach your relative the recitation
of Surrah Yusuf, for, any Muslim who recites it or teaches it to his family, Allah shall ease for him the agony of death,
and give him the strength that will prevent him from envying a fellow Muslim'
Surah al Kahf (18)
Prophet (PBUH) said: 'Whoever recited
Surrah Al Kahf on a Friday, Allah will kindle for him abundant light to illuminate the period between the two Fridays (the
Friday on which he recited the Surrah and the next Friday)'
Surah al Mu'minun (23)
Ibn Masud (may
Allah be pleased with him recited (Surrah Al Mu'minun from verse 115 to 118) in the ear of an afflicted person and the man
was cured.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'What did you recite in his ear?' Ibn Masud told him, and the Prophet (PBUH)
said, 'By He in Whose hand lies my soul, Were a believing man to recite it over a mountain, it would have melted'.
as Sajda (32)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) would not sleep until he recited Surrah Al Sajda.
Khalid ibn Ma'dan
(may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Recite the Deliverer, which is Alif Laam Tanzeel, for I have heard that a man who had
committed many sins used to recite it and nothing else. It spread its wing over him and said, ‘O’ My Lord, forgive
him, for he often used to recite me.’ So the Lord Most High made it an intercessor for him and said, ‘Record for
him a good deed and raise him a degree in place of every sin."
Surah Yassin (36)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
said: 'Whoever recited Surrah Yassin at night seeking Allah's pleasure, Allah would forgive him'
Mohammad (PBUH) said: "Whoever recited Surrah Yassin would seem (in terms of reward) as if he had recited the Qur'an
ten times."
Surah ad Dukhan (44)
Ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him) said, 'The 'ha-meems'
are the embellishment of the Qur'an
The 'ha-meems' refer to the seven Surrahs which have ha-meem at the start.
Surah al Fath (48)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'A
Surrah of the Qur'an was revealed to me tonight, indeed it is the dearest Surrah to my heart, than anything under the sun'.
Then the Prophet recited Surrah al Fath verses 1-5
Surah Al Rahman (55)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: 'Everything
has a bride, and the bride of the Qur'an is Surrah Al Rahman'
Surah al Waqiah (56) Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
said: 'Whoever recites Surrah al Waqiah at night would never encounter poverty'
Also Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
'Surah al Waqiah is the Surrah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children'